How the water you drink may help prevent Alzheimer's

I have recently been learning more about Chris Exley’s research into Aluminum.  I wanted to bring to your attention a study he published in 2012 showing that drinking silicon-rich mineral water increased excretion of aluminum in urine.  Some participants in the 12 week study with a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s showed improvement in their cognitive abilities.  For those of you who are unaware of the links between aluminum and Alzheimer's disease I will be reviewing another study by Exley next time where he looked at levels of aluminum in the brains of people who died with Alzheimer’s disease (spoiler alert they had high levels of aluminum).  The only silicon-rich mineral water brands that I know are available in the US are Volvic and Fiji.  I hate to recommend bottled water due to all the packaging waste, but the fact is many of us do use bottled water on a regular basis and now we may have a way to help our bodies detox aluminum when we do it.