Potluck! You are invited to a traditional foods meal Weston A Price Style

I have been the local chapter leader for the Weston A Price Foundation for a little while, and finally I am hosting the first event for the Roaring Fork Valley chapter, a potluck.  Who is this Weston A Price fellow and why does he have chapters you ask?  Read on.  For details about the food, skip to the bottom.   

Weston A Price was a dentist, and a meticulous researcher.  He looked all over the world for answers to why some people had dental cavities, and others didn't.  He was able to document very convincingly how diet effected dental health.  Populations who ate traditional whole foods diets with essential high fat animal foods were free from dental cavities, and many other diseases.  When those peoples incorporated the "modern" foods white flour, white sugar, and processed vegetable fats, their dental health deteriorated rapidly.  Dr. Price documented over and over that whether the diet was primarily plant based like the Polynesians, dairy based, like the Swiss, or primarily animal based and incredibly high in saturated fat like the Inuit people, as long as they were eating traditionally and consuming high quality fatty animal foods, particularly seafood, they were free from dental disease.  He went on to identify what he called fat soluble activators in these foods which he felt were the key substances.  You will recognize a few of these fat soluble activators as Vitamin A, and D, found only in animal fats.  He also did clinical trials feeding people cod liver oil and butter to restore them to health.  Of course his work flies in the face of conventional diet dogma, but I can not remember that last factual thing I heard about diet or health in the news... That is another topic.  

Weston A Price Chapters

The foundation has a network of chapters and chapter leaders all over the world.  The chapter leaders serve to connect members with the farms and ranches it their area producing food in line with the nutritional principles the Weston A Price Foundation supports.  Some chapters meet and hold events like this potluck.  For more information please go to the website.

The food- September 2nd at Sustainable Settings

You are cordially invited to a potluck for people interested in this traditional foods way of eating.  Weston A Price members in the area are invited.  Those who are interested in learning more about Weston A Price, his research, and where to find the highest quality animal foods locally, are also invited to attend.  If you are not familiar with Weston A Price, please go to the website WestonAPrice,org.  If you don't know what to bring you can look up recipes from Sally Fallon's cookbook Nourishing traditions, or give me a call.  Please RSVP to tell us who will be coming and what you plan to bring on our Facebook page Weston A Price Foundation Roaring Fork Valley chapter, or call the office at 970-236-6178 for details.

Butter and Bacon are good for you

Edit: It depends on how the bacon was processed see this post.

That is what the Weston A. Price Foundation says, and I agree with them.  Their mission is to share the research of Dr. Weston A. Price, a Dentist who did comparative studies of people eating traditional whole foods diets, with those eating more modern refined diets.  He found that people who ate traditional whole foods, and high quality animal foods had fewer cavities, did not need braces and were much healthier.  They also had less heart disease, cancer, arthritis, and childbirth problems.  The foundation is a fabulous resource for information about the dangers of soy, the benefits of raw milk, fat-soluble vitamins A, D, and K, and finding high quality nutrient dense foods.  Please check them out at www.westonaprice.org.  They publish a fascinating journal 4 times a year with great research and information.  I have copies in my office you are welcome to borrow.  If you join the foundation you will receive the journal for free, and from now until the end of the year they have a special bonus of $100 in coupons towards very high quality products for your health with membership.