Holiday Survival Tips

I just got home from the grocery store with a Prius full of Thanksgiving fixins.  It is the start of the holiday season which strikes fear into the hearts of many as they brace themselves to resist the holiday temptations of sugar and overindulgence, or choose to stay strong and possibly endure ridicule for passing on the pecan pie and heaven forbid gluten-ous stuffing.  For many of us the holidays are the most stressful time of the whole year, and then on top of it we end up eating in ways that stress our systems even further.  Here are my survival tips for holiday eating.

1. Eat before you go

If you have a holiday party or meal, eat a light meal before you leave the house, then you can pick and choose a few of the things offered and make good choices rather than arriving famished, finding nothing but terrible choices, and giving in to all of them.  

2. Prepare, Prepare, Prepare.  

Make snacks ahead of time, soak and roast nuts and keep them in your car to snack on the go- they also make tasty gifts in a mason jar with a ribbon.  Here is a link to a post with that recipe.  Spend a little time searching for healthier versions of family favorites.  You can make stuffing from scratch without all the added flavorings and preservatives of the boxed version, and you can even make it gluten free here is a recipe using GF bread.  There are also very tasty alternatives in the sweets department, I am looking forward to trying this recipe for healthier peppermint patties.  An once of prevention is worth a pound of cure.  And of course there is a moment on the lips forever on the hips...

3. Some tricks from nature.

If emotional eating is a problem for you consider a custom Bach flower remedy designed to help you with the emotional triggers.  I can whip one up for you without an appointment for only $25.  If sugar is you nemesis, I have a magical herb called gymnema you can try.  A few drops on the tongue takes away all of the sweet flavor, instantly turning even the most decadent desert into cardboard in your mouth.



Antibiotic use linked to obesity in children

A recent Study published in JAMA Pediatrics found that children who were given broad spectrum antibiotics before the age of 2 had an increased likelihood of being obese by age 5.  They also found a correlation with mothers using antibiotics in pregnancy and having a cesarean birth increasing the risks of their child being obese.  Of course correlation is not causation, but I found this really interesting because it lines up with my experience in Naturopathic Medicine in regards to a healthy gut microflora.  The bacteria in your intestines are crucial for proper absorption of nutrients, and I often seen that when this ecosystem is disrupted many things can go wrong.  I see skin problems develop, gas, bloating, weight gain, immune system problems (most of the activity of your immune system is in your gut), even neurological system problems.  So what do you do?  Develop a good relationship with a health care practitioner who has alternatives to antibiotics.  Herbs, hydrotherapy, and homeopathy do a great job of helping children with everything from tummy upsets and sore throats, to ear infections, without wiping out the gut bacteria which are so important to overall health and disease prevention.  Here is a link to more information on the article.

Choosing the Healthiest Seafood

Finding healthy seafood is getting more challenging, and with increasing levels of mercury, PCB's, and radiation in our oceans, people are limiting their intake of seafoods.  While it is wise to avoid extra toxins as much as possible, I worry that by not eating seafood we may be throwing the baby out with the bath water so to speak.  The omega 3 fats in seafood are amazing for helping young brains develop, and keeping brains at any age working smoothly.  Eating fish and fish oils improves heart health, prevents depression, improves arthritis symptoms, prevents dementia, and vision impairment, just to name a few.  All traditional cultures valued foods from the ocean for their superior nutrition.  Seafood is an amazing source of high quality fats and fat soluble vitamins.  So I encourage you not to stop eating fish and seafood altogether, but educate yourself on the best sources.  Eating smaller fish as a general rule is always better as many toxins build up as they work their way up the food chain into bigger and bigger predator fish.  And NEVER, EVER, EVER eat farmed fish.  FYI Genetically modified salmon are now on the market with no labeling to let us know they are GMO.  Please click here for a guide to safer seafood from the Environmental Working Group, on of my favorite resources for healthier living.

Please share this video on food allergies & GMOs with everyone

This is a wonderful description of the journey one mother took to understand why her own children were getting sick.  She took her skills in research and analysis of companies and turned them to understanding what has happened to the American food supply, and health in America.  She quotes the dismal statistics of how poorly Americans rank against other countries in health, and how we spend double what they do on our "sick care".  She spoke at the seeds of doubt conference recently and her speech is available here for free streaming until Nov 4th.  The entire conference is available for only $45.  I encourage you to watch it.  Educate yourself and your families on what is really in our food and what consequences that may hold for our health and our future.  Please share the link, spread the information, and vote yes on 105.

Raw Milk Symposium free attendance

Raw Milk Symposium Will Explore Raw Milk Safety Issues

Kimberly HartkeOctober 20, 2014

Symposium Free for the Public and Government Officials Through Live Streaming

Washington, D.C.–October 21, 2014– [ GlobeNewswire ]The annual raw milk symposium presented by the Weston A. Price Foundation will be available to the public and to government officials through livestreaming (and archived).

The Raw Milk Symposium will feature raw milk experts and activists, including Mark McAfee, owner of the largest raw milk dairy in California and chairman of the Raw Milk Institute, Pete Kennedy, president of the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund, and Sally Fallon Morell, founder of A Campaign for Real Milk.

The session will be held Monday November 10, 2014 from 9:15 to 4:00 PM, Eastern Time.

To access the session on November 10, or anytime after, go to

09:15 – 10:30 – Raw Milk Legal Updates for Canada and the U.S., Karen Selick, LL.B and Pete Kennedy, Esq.

10:45 – 12:00 – Producing Safe Raw Cheese, Sally Fallon Morell
Cheese is a processed product, and whether raw or pasteurized, it needs to be produced under strict sanitary conditions. Sally Fallon Morell will share her experience as a cheese maker on sanitation, plant maintenance and record keeping, and will provide tips on how to pass your FDA inspection.

1:15 – 2:30 – RAWMI Progress and Lessons from the Listed, Mark McAfee
RAWMI food safety success; creating a bright and safe future for raw milk.

2:45 – 4:00 – A New California Raw Milk Dairy, Cynthia Daley, PhD
This session will focus on the steps required to pass through the grade A permit and licensing process, including all state and county agencies that are involved and their associated costs. We will also cover the details of the on-farm Risk Analysis & Management plan to meet & exceed the needs of state standards as we work toward safe production methods for raw milk.

The Raw Milk Symposium is being held immediately following FOCUS ON FOOD, the Fifteenth International Conference of the Weston A. Price Foundation, which is Friday, November 7 – Sunday, November 9 in Indianapolis. Click here forconference details, to register or call (540) 722-7104.

The Campaign for Real Milk is a project of the nutrition education nonprofit, The Weston A. Price Foundation. Based in Washington, DC, WAPF is the leading advocacy group promoting broader consumer access to safety-tested raw milk. Contact or visit and

Media Contacts:

Kimberly Hartke, WAPF Publicist 703-860-2711,
Liz Reitzig, Public Relations Associate, 301-807-5063,


A Project of The Weston A. Price Foundation

Toxins in your couch?

Babies in the US are born with the highest levels of flame retardant chemicals in their blood of children anywhere in the world.  These chemicals can lead to hormone and fertility problems, thyroid problems, cancers, and death from SIDS.  There are flame retardants in your couch, mattress, carpeting, and many products specifically marketed for babies like changing pads, highchairs, and carriers.  A chemical added to flammable materials to make them less flammable and prevent house fires sounds like a good idea right?  What if those flame retardants are chemicals known to cause serious health problems including cancer?  And what if they don't even work to prevent fires?… What is going on?  As with many things which have been mandated for "public health", there may have been some good intention behind putting flame retardants into furniture, but the real facts indicate we need to reevaluate the risks and benefits.  A dropped cigarette or tipped candle has started many a home fire with devastating consequences.  If these chemicals actually did prevent home fires it might seem sensible, however, the research shows these chemicals do not reduce your risk of death in a fire.  Once the fabric covering which is not required to contain the chemicals catches fire, flames easily overwhelm the chemicals in furniture foam that are supposed to prevent it, then the smoke becomes incredibly toxic and more dangerous to those near the flames due to the presence of these chemicals and dioxins among other chemicals which are produced when they burn.  These flame retardants are known to cause cancer and developmental defects, and they lurk all over your house not just on the couch and mattress but on the floor as dust ready to be picked up by the dog or your toddler.  The saddest issue by far with these chemicals is that they will increase the risk for Sudden Infant Death or SIDS.  This is respiratory failure in newborns caused by the flame retardants in old mattress breaking down and contributing to the growth of a toxic fungus.  If it sounds terrible, it is.  The story of how these chemicals got into our furniture in the first place is available at this link to the Chicago Tribune article Playing With Fire.  These chemicals are found in couches, upholstered furniture, seat cushions, carpet padding, and child changing pads, strollers and car seats.  So how do you avoid them?  First stop bringing more of them into your home.  As you replace furniture and flooring choose less toxic alternatives.  Buy an organic cotton and/or wool mattress, choose organic cotton couches and futons, replace your upholstered chairs with old fashioned wooden ones, and replace your carpets with a solid surface flooring and washable cotton rugs.  For a guide to choosing Baby products without these chemicals click here for the Green Science Policy Institute Safe Kids Buyers Guide.

Fall Cleanse Class starts Wednesday November 5th

If you are ready, or almost ready to make a change in your diet, lose some weight, gain some energy, end the aches and pains or arthritis, clear up your skin, detoxify, or generally just feel more awesome consider joining this class.  Class will start Wednesday November 5th and meet each week at my office from 5-6pm.  I love doing this 6 week class where we meet for one hour a week and I walk you through an elimination and challenge diet to identify hidden food sensitivities that may be causing you to keep weight on, giving you pain, or sapping your energy.  You eat real food, no shakes or supplements, and you learn about metabolism, blood sugar regulation, inflammatory foods, and lots more.  It's a boot camp for healthy eating, and revving up your metabolism.  The cost is $200 for all 6 weeks, bring a friend and get a $25 discount.  Click here for more information.  Please call or email with questions and to sign up.

Vote Yes on 105 to label GMOs

With the help of many concerned citizens and dedicated volunteers including our local group GMO Free Colorado Roaring Fork Valley, which I am happy to be involved with, we will have a chance to vote on GMO labeling this November.  It may sound like a slam dunk to get this passed but as of last night companies who stand to lose profits if this bill passes have spent 9 MILLION Dollars to fight it.  Yes 9 Million, and the election is still a month away.  Monsanto has contributed more than half of that 9 million, but other groups who have given money to fight the passing of Prop 105 include; The Colorado Corn Growers Association, the Colorado Farm Bureau, Dow, and Coca Cola.  You can expect a smear campaign telling Coloradans that this bill will hurt them and will hurt farmers.  PLEASE talk to everyone you know.  Support Right to Know Colorado, buy a lawn sign, post to Facebook, educate others that GMO foods are a clear threat to the health of our nation, and this bill will do nothing to ban them.  It simply requires that we be informed of what is in our food.  And Please Please Please VOTE!!

Not all prostate cancer needs aggressive treatment

There may be many problems with the diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer in the U.S. but today I just want to make you aware of 2.

1- Many experts believe that some of the cellular changes being labelled as prostate cancer are not cancer at all and should not carry that label.  There is also a push for relabeling some breast cancers for the same reason.  The "C" word is scary, if these conditions do not meet the criteria for a definition of cancer, adding the stress and worry that label brings seems not only unnecessary, but cruel, and it can lead to unnecessary treatments.  Here is a link to a New York Times piece about this.

2- Patients with some types of prostate cancer are being treated very aggressively by some doctors, and the treatment is not only unnecessary, but carries risk, and can seriously reduce quality of life.  These risks include increased chances of developing diabetes and cardiovascular disease, as well as impotence, muscle weakening, and osteoporosis.

I saw this article today and wanted to share it.  It explores recent evidence that many men are being diagnosed and treated aggressively for prostate cancer when such treatment does not improve their prognosis.  To be clear, prostate cancer is real, and I do not recommend ignoring it.  What I do recommend is finding a doctor who understands this and is giving you advice based on your own specific condition, its risks, and prognosis, not based on how much money they may make from your treatment.  For the CNN health article click here.

Food Hygiene

Food Hygiene what is that?  Sounds like keeping your food clean, and while that is important, what I mean when I say food hygiene is something else.  I learned this term in Naturopathic medical school.  What it means to me is putting the ritual back in eating, and eating in such a way that it helps your body get the most out if your food physically, and emotionally.  Food should nourish us on many levels, but for it to do that we need to pay attention to how we eat not just what we eat. 

Good digestion is not just about your stomach; it requires the participation of your nervous system, your emotions, your nose, your jaw muscles, and a vast array of chemicals in your body.

There is a complicated soup of chemicals involved in digestion, not just stomach acid.  There are enzymes and hormone signals, which tell you when you are full, and tell your intestines to move food along and make room for what is in your stomach. 

One of the problems we often encounter is eating too quickly.  When you eat too fast you can get ahead of that signal that tells you when you are full, and by the time the message gets to your brain you have eaten more than you would have if you had eaten more slowly and the message had a chance to get there. 

Our nervous system has 2 complimentary divisions called the sympathetic or “fight or flight” division, and the parasympathetic also called the “rest and digest” division.  When the “fight or flight” system is engaged we produce cortisol and epinephrine and our body prepares to fight off a tiger or run from a bear.  All sorts of stressors including work deadlines, arguments, and getting cut off in traffic trigger this system.  The key piece to understand is that when the “fight of flight” system is turned on or dominant, the “rest and digest” system is shut down.  There would be no need to digest your food when you are trying to run from a bear right?  This means that when we are stressed out about work, or rushing to pick up the kids at school and eating on the run, our rest and digest system is often turned off.  This not only keeps you from digesting your food well but it will also interfere with your bodies chemical signals that tell you when you are full.  The good news is our nervous system is very elastic and research shows it only takes a moment to shift us from sympathetic to parasympathetic dominance.  So how do you do that?  You take a deep breath and sit still for a few seconds.  Take a moment to be present and think about the fact that you are about to eat food.  Smell your food, and take a moment to let your brain and body register that it is time to slow down and eat.  As you might imagine this is near impossible to do while driving, or watching the nightly news.  So sit down, take a minute to think some words of gratitude, say grace, or simply think about digesting your food well and all of its nourishment getting to you cells.  Then chew each bite of food until it is a liquid before swallowing, eating slowly and enjoying the benefits of improved digestion!

Cleanse Class starts July 2nd!

I have scheduled a summer cleanse class!  It will be every Wednesday evening 5-6pm at my office July 2nd to August 6th.  If you are ready, or almost ready to make a change in your diet, lose some weight, gain some energy, end the aches and pains or arthritis, clear up your skin, detoxify, or generally just feel more awesome consider a cleanse.  I love doing this 6 week class where we meet for one hour a week and I walk you through an elimination and challenge diet to identify hidden food sensitivities that may be causing you to keep weight on, giving you pain, or sapping your energy.  You eat real food, no shakes or supplements, and you learn about metabolism, blood sugar regulation, inflammatory foods, and lots more.  It's a boot camp for healthy eating, and revving up your metabolism.  The cost is $200 for all 6 weeks, bring a friend and get a $25 discount.  See me at the farmers market or give me a call if you have questions.

Roundup Herbicide found in Breast Milk

I remember learning about glyphosate herbicide (brand name Roundup) when I went to Virginia Tech in the late 90's.  We were taught that the chemical became inert when it hit the soil and was not dangerous to groundwater or aquatic ecosystems.  Then in the early 2000's when my job controlling exotic invasive plants required that I spray glyphosate, I read up on the product again.  Again, I was told it was safe.  It would not get into the water or into our bodies and bioaccumulate- which means stay in our bodies and build up.  Turns out that wasn't true… Monsanto's assurances that this poison was "safe" have been called into question by some recent evidence of Roundup in breast milk.  This means that the most common herbicide used in agriculture and on homeowner’s lawns is accumulating in our bodies and being literally fed to our children.  The increase in "roundup ready" GMO crops promises only to increase the amount of this chemical in our bodies.

What can you do?  Stop using Roundup at home, in fact, stop using all pesticides at home.  There are great non-toxic alternatives, answers are an internet search away.  Buy organic food which has not had synthetic herbicides and pesticides sprayed on it.  Push for labeling of GMO foods, and support your liver with foods and herbs that help it to detoxify this and other dangerous chemicals we encounter every day.  For more on the evidence of Roundup in breast milk see this article.

Free Blood Pressure Checks! Wednesday June 18th

How is your blood pressure?  Please stop in on Wednesday in downtown Carbondale at my farmers market booth between 10 and 3 for a free blood pressure check and some Naturopathic tips on maintaining a healthy blood pressure!  I will also be giving short presentations at 10:30 and 12:30.  Learn about foods and herbs that help regulate blood pressure, and how little salt really has to do with it!

Invisible Genetically Modified Ingredients

This list is taken directly from the non-GMO shopping guide website.  Please click here to go to their site for more information.

Processed foods often have hidden GM sources (unless they are organic or declared non-GMO). The following are ingredients that may be made from GMOs.

Aspartame (also called AminoSweet®,    NutraSweet®, Equal Spoonful®, Canderel®,  BeneVia®, E951)
baking powder
canola oil (rapeseed oil)
caramel color
citric acid
cobalamin (Vitamin B12)
condensed milk
confectioners sugar
corn flour
corn masa
corn meal
corn oil
corn sugar
corn syrup
cottonseed oil
food starch
fructose (any form)
glutamic acid
glycerol monooleate
high fructose corn syrup (HFCS)
hydrogenated starch
hydrolyzed vegetable protein
inverse syrup
invert sugar
lactic acid
malt syrup
malt extract
milk powder
milo starch
modified food starch
modified starch
mono and diglycerides
monosodium glutamate (MSG)
oleic acid
phytic acid
protein isolate
soy flour
soy isolates
soy lecithin
soy milk
soy oil
soy protein
soy protein isolate
soy sauce
stearic acid
sugar (unless specified as cane sugar)
teriyaki marinades
textured vegetable protein
tocopherols (vitamin E)
vegetable fat
vegetable oil
vitamin B12
vitamin E
whey powder
xanthan gum

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) although usually derived from corn, is probably not GM because it is not likely made in North America.


Come by the Carbondale Farmers Market for more information or to sign the petition to get GMO labeling on the ballot.

Carbondale Farmers Market

Please come and visit me at the Carbondale Farmers Market starting June 11th!

I will have a booth this year at the downtown Carbondale Farmers Market every Wednesday from 10-3.  Each week I will prepare a new topic to share with you.  Stop by for a weekly health tip, a custom Bach flower remedy, or to ask any questions you may have. 

The topic schedule for June is:

June 11th What is a Naturopathic Doctor?

June 18th Free Blood Pressure checks and Naturopathic tips to lower high blood pressure

June 25th Teething Tips

You are invited to my building for a special event

Wednesday May 21st 5:30-7pm Carbondale Chamber of Commerce after hours at 1101 Village Rd.

Please stop by for Happy hour!  Free beer and wine, snacks and deserts.  A free raffle drawing with prizes from businesses in the building including a free Custom Bach Flower Remedy from yours truly.  Lyn will be hare offering free Reiki sessions.  You can't go wrong!  Did I mention its free:)? 

GMO labeling in Colorado

I firmly believe that we have a right to make an educated choice about everything that goes into our bodies, and the bodies of our children.  I want to know what is in my food, so I can make an educated choice.  This is why I am supporting the Colorado Right to Know campaign for labeling of GMO foods in our state.  I have a petition in my office, and if you are a registered voter in Colorado I invite you to stop by and add your support to get the measure on the Colorado ballot for this November so the citizens of Colorado can vote on whether they want foods with GMO ingredients to be labeled.  We need 90,000 valid signatures by July to get the measure onto the ballot, so please stop by my office for the Carbondale Chamber after hours event Wednesday the 21st, or come to see me at my Carbondale Farmers Market booth if you would like to sign.


How Much of the Food You Eat is Genetically Modified?

If you only eat whole foods- meaning only one ingredient like an apple, potato, or broccoli, and you know that the seed source is non-GMO, you can rest assured you are not eating GMO's.  However, many of us eat some processed foods, whether out of a package from the grocery store, or when we eat out.  Without GMO labeling, unless you’re buying 100% organic, non-GMO verified foods, or whole foods without any processing which are not GMO there’s really no way to tell.

The Non GMO project website estimates that 80% of the food in America has GMO ingredients.  Why is this number so high?  Because #1 there are a HUGE number of processed foods in our food supply, and #2 processed foods are likely to contain ingredients like corn syrup and soy lecithin, which are most likely to be from GMO crops.  The current American crops with Genetic Engineering include; sugar beets, soy, corn, canola, cotton seed, Hawaiian papaya, zucchini, yellow crock neck squash, and alfalfa.

For more information on which foods contain GMO ingredients click here to get the Non-GMO shopping List.